[RpL 1281] IRQ'2020: Lecture by Ioan Pop 'Introduction to high impedance quantum circuits'

Alexander Semenov a_sem2 на mail.ru
Пн Ноя 23 13:28:22 MSK 2020

Dear all,
Today, on Monday November 23, at 17.00 Moscow time (15.00 CET, 14.00 GMT), lecture 'Introduction to high impedance quantum circuits' will be given by Dr. Ioan Pop from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Please find the abstract in the bottom of this email.
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On behalf of Organisers of IRQ'2020,
Alexander Semenov
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Ioan Pop
Introduction to high impedance quantum circuits
Superconducting quantum information processing machines are predominantly based on microwave circuits with relatively low characteristic impedance, about 100 Ohm, and small anharmonicity, which can limit their coherence and logic gate fidelity. I will discuss a promising alternative, namely circuits based on so-called superinductors, with characteristic impedances exceeding the resistance quantum R_Q = 6.4 kOhm. However, superinductors are not easy to come by. Previous implementations consisting of mesoscopic Josephson junction arrays can introduce unintended nonlinearity or parasitic resonant modes, degrading device coherence. I will present designs based on a particularly promising disordered superconducting material: granular aluminum (grAl) [1]. I will argue that grAl forms a compact effective junction array with high kinetic inductance and amenable nonlinearity [2,3], which can be in-situ integrated with standard aluminum circuit processing. I will also point out that quasiparticle poisoning can be a limiting factor [4] and should be addressed in future works.
[1] Grunhaupt, Spiecker et al. Nature Materials 18, 816-819 (2019)
[2] Maleeva et al. Nature Comm. 9, 3889 (2018)
[3] Winkel et al. PRX 10, 031032 (2020)
[4] Grunhaupt et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 117001 (2018)

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