[RpL 1278] IRQ'2020: Lecture by Jukka Pekola and Bayan Karimi 'Heat transport in quantum circuits by microwave photons'

Alexander Semenov a_sem2 на mail.ru
Ср Ноя 18 09:46:57 MSK 2020

Dear all,
Today, on Wednesday November 18, at 17.00 Moscow time (15.00 CET, 14.00 GMT), lecture 'Heat transport in quantum circuits by microwave photons' will be given by professor Jukka Pekola and Bayan Karimi from Aalto University. Please find the abstract in the bottom of this email.
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On behalf of Organisers of IRQ'2020,
Alexander Semenov
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Jukka Pekola and Bayan Karimi
Heat transport in quantum circuits by microwave photons
We will discuss the basics of how energy is transported across superconducting quantum circuits. The experiments on detecting the quantum of heat conductance and control of heat by magnetic and electric fields will be reviewed. Sensitive thermometry in calorimetric detection, and plans for building quantum heat engines and refrigerators will be reviewed.

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