[RpL 1275] IRQ2020: School for young scientists Nov 16-27

Alexander Semenov a_sem2 на mail.ru
Пт Ноя 13 19:22:00 MSK 2020

Dear all,
Next two weeks, Nov 16-20 and Nov 23-27, we are organising the 4th School for young scientists 'Interaction between radiation and quantum devices' (IRQ'2020). This year, the School is fully online. It will have a relaxed format of one or two lectures per day, at evening time. You can find the program below at the bottom of this email.
You are welcome to join: https://zoom.us/j/8976647786?pwd=SjBSTVNqRG1uaCsrYjJDVit5eTduUT09
Persons who visit at least one half of the lectures, will be given a certificate of participant! (Please check that your Zoom nick allows to identify you unambiguously).
Please share this information with your mates and colleagues, for whom you think our School can be of interest.
Secretary of IRQ2020 Alexander Semenov 
Nov 16 (Mon), 17.00. Vladimir Antonov (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology) 'Sensitive detection of terahertz radiation'
Nov 17 (Tue), 17.00. Sergey Kubatkin (Chalmers University of Technology) 'Epitaxial graphene on Silicon Carbide: physics, chemistry and electronic applications'
Nov 18 (Wed), 17.00. Jukka Pekola (Aalto University) 'Heat transport in quantum circuits by microwave photons'
Nov 19 (Thu), 17.00. Dmitry Morozov (Glasgow University) 'Transition Edge Sensors: Versatile detectors for a wide range of applications from THz astronomy to quantum optics'
Nov 20 (Fri), 17.00. Denis Vodolazov (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS) 'Global paramagnetic response in a Fulde-Ferrell superconductor'
Nov 23 (Mon), 17.00. Ioan Pop (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) 'Introduction to high impedance quantum circuits'
Nov 24 (Tue), 17.00. Teunis Klapwijk (Delft University of Technology) 'Lectures on mesoscopic superconductivity (1)'
Nov 25 (Wed), 17.00. Teunis Klapwijk (Delft University of Technology) 'Lectures on mesoscopic superconductivity (2)'  
Nov 25 (Wed), 18.45. Anton Bubis (Institute for Solid State Physics RAS) 'Heat transmission in a proximitized nanowire
Nov 26 (Thu), 18.00. Mariia Sidorova (German Aerospace Center DLR) 'Fluctuations in current-carrying superconducting nanowires'
Nov 27 (Fri), 18.00. Jochem Baselmans (Netherlands Institute for Space Research SRON) TBA

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