[RpL 10] Re: Статью нашли
Sergey Ryabchun
sryabchu на cfa.harvard.edu
Чт Дек 6 02:53:09 MSK 2007
I am sorry, guys, but if you have somone looking for a bloody article, do
not let them know that there are others doing the same thing at the same
time. Otherwise it stinks a little: I personally do not mind submitting a
request to my library, but I do mind having the librarian do the work that
turns out unnecessary in the end. We need to be a little more appreciative
of what people do for us even if it is their job.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sergey Maslennikov" <sm на rplab.ru>
To: <hi-all на rplab.ru>
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 8:46 AM
Subject: [RpL 9] Статью нашли
> Если кто-то ещё ищет статью, которую мы с Мотей просили в [RpL 6],
> прекращайте. Она нашлась. Её Оля Минаева прислала.
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