[RpL 1337] Научный семинар

Anna Kardakova anna_kardakova на mail.ru
Чт Янв 13 16:14:48 MSK 2022

Уважаемые коллеги, 

На следующей неделе в четверг 20 января в 17:00 состоится очередной научный семинар в онлайн-формате. 

На семинаре выступит Чараев Илья. 

Тема: Nanowire Detection of Photons from the Dark Side
In this talk, I am going to present recent results on the design, fabrication and testing of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors for detecting bosonic dark matter particle (such as dark photons) with mass energies in the range of 10 meV to 10 eV. Detectors are combined with gas cells, dielectric stacks [1], or combinations of these structures in cryogenic targets, optimized for dark matter absorption. Furthermore, superconducting nanowires are used as both target and sensor for direct detection of sub-GeV dark matter [2]. Ongoing experiments using SNSPDs should enable probing additional new territory in the detection landscape, establishing the complementarity of this approach to others Dark Matter search experiments.
[1] M. Baryakhtar, J. Huang, and Robert Lasenby, Phys. Rev. D 98, 035006, 2018.
[2] Y. Hochberg, I. Charaev, S.-W. Nam, V. Verma, M. Colangelo, K. K. Berggren, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 151802, 2019.

Ссылка для подключения: 
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8659585088?pwd=YTl6ZDFlZFBrREQzd1RuWXZ2eXV2dz09 <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8659585088?pwd=YTl6ZDFlZFBrREQzd1RuWXZ2eXV2dz09>

Meeting ID: 865 958 5088
Passcode: 229849

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С уважением, 
Анна Кардакова

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