[RpL 1284] IRQ'2020: [At 18.00] Lecture by Jochem Baselmans 'Superconducting resonators as photon detectors for the optical and far-infrared'

Alexander Semenov a_sem2 на mail.ru
Ср Ноя 25 12:18:15 MSK 2020

Dear all,

Today, on Wednesday November 25, at *18.00* Moscow time (*16.00* CET, *15.00* GMT), lecture 'Superconducting resonators as photon detectors for the optical and far-infrared' will be given by Jochem Baselmans, professor at Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON). Please find the abstract at the bottom of this email.

Let me remind about the transpositions in the further program. The second 'Lecture on mesoscopic superconductivity' by Teunis Klapwijk is now scheduled for Thursday November 26, 17.00 Moscow time (15.00 CET, 14.00 GMT). It will be followed by a seminar by Anton Bubis 'Heat transmission in a proximitized nanowire'. And on Friday, November 27, at 18.00 Moscow time (16.00 CET, 15.00 GMT), Mariia Sidorova and Alexey Semenov will talk about 'Physics and sources of timing jitter in SNSPDs' and 'Fluctuations in photon detection by current-carrying superconducting nanowires'.

Link to Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/8976647786?pwd=SjBSTVNqRG1uaCsrYjJDVit5eTduUT09

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You can find videos and slides of the lectures here (they are posted as they appear):


On behalf of Organisers of IRQ'2020,

Alexander Semenov

P. S. If you don't want to receive our emails, please respond to this one by an email containing word 'NO' in the body.

Jochem Baselmans

Superconducting resonators as photon detectors for the optical and Far-Infrared

Superconducting resonators have found many applications in recent years, ranging from QUBIT systems to photon detectors. In this lecture I will focus upon radiation detection in hybrid superconducting resonators constructed from two superconducting materials: A high gap superconducting film, such as NbTiN with a gap frequency of 1.1 THz, to create the electrical circuit and a low-gap film made from aluminium, TiN, Hf or other to absorb the radiation. Radiation absorption modifies the complex surface impedance of these films, which results in a change in resonant frequency that can be detected using microwave readout techniques. 

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