[RpL 1268] Re: Научный семинар

Anna Kardakova anna_kardakova на mail.ru
Ср Окт 28 12:52:34 MSK 2020

Уважаемые коллеги,

На следующей неделе *3 ноября (вторник) в 17:00* состоится научный 
семинар. Докладчик - Игорь Гайдученко.

Планируется презентация и обсуждение статьи*Tunnel field-effect 
transistors for sensitive terahertz detection *(подана в Nature 

*Abstract: *The rectification of high-frequency electromagnetic waves to 
direct currents is a crucial process for energy harvesting, beyond 5G 
wireless communications, ultra-fast science, and observational 
astronomy. As the radiation frequency is raised to the sub-terahertz 
(THz) domain, efficient ac-to-dc conversion by conventional electronics 
becomes increasingly challenging and requires alternative rectification 
protocols. Here we address this challenge by tunnel field-effect 
transistors made of dual-gated bilayer graphene (BLG). Taking advantage 
of BLG's electrically tunable band structure, we create a lateral tunnel 
junction and couple it to a broadband antenna exposed to THz radiation. 
The incoming radiation is then down-converted by strongly non-linear 
interband tunneling mechanisms, resulting in exceptionally 
high-responsivity (exceeding 3~kV/W) and low-noise (0.2 
pW/$\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}$) detection at cryogenic temperatures. We 
demonstrate how the switching from intraband Ohmic to interband 
tunneling regime within a single detector can raise its responsivity by 
one order of magnitude, in agreement with the developed theory. Our work 
demonstrates an unexpected application of interband tunnel transistors 
for high-frequency detection and reveals bilayer graphene as one of the 
most promising platforms therefor.

Приглашаются все желающие.

С уважением,
Анна Кардакова

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