[RpL 1060] Re: еженедельные научные семинары

Anna Kardakova anna_kardakova на mail.ru
Пн Дек 11 09:50:11 MSK 2017

Уважаемые коллеги,

На этой неделе в пятницу, *15 декабря* в 17:00 у нас состоится очередной 
семинар ПРФЛ.

*Павел Долгирев*, Skolkovo Institute of Technology

Название доклада:
*Current-phase relation and flux-dependent thermoelectricity in Andreev 

Краткая аннотация:
We predict a novel (I0,φ0)-junction state of multi-terminal Andreev 
interferometers that emerges from an interplay between long-range 
quantum coherence and non-equilibrium effects. Under non- zero bias V 
the current-phase relation IS(φ) resembles that of a φ0-junction 
differing from the latter due to a non-zero average I0(V ) = ⟨IS(φ)⟩φ. 
The flux-dependent thermopower S(Φ) of the system exhibits features 
similar to those of a (I0,φ0)-junction and in certain limits it can 
reduce to either odd or even function of Φ in the agreement with a 
number of experimental observations.

Приглашаются все желающие.

С уважением,
Анна Кардакова

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