[RpL 958] Fwd: Open RQC Colloquium. Lecture 5

Elezov Michael elezovmike на mail.ru
Вт Июл 12 15:23:51 MSK 2016

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Тема: 	Open RQC Colloquium. Lecture 5
Дата: 	Tue, 12 Jul 2016 13:10:28 +0000
От: 	Russian Quantum Center information <info на rqc.ru>
Отвечать: 	us4-8b8a06201b-5134bcf221 на conversation01.mailchimpapp.com
Кому: 	elezovmike на mail.ru

Open RQC Colloquium. Lecture 5

    Open RQC colloquium. Lecture 5

The fifth lecture *"Superconducting quantum processors: State of the art 
and challenges"* in "Open RQC colloquium" will be held in National 
University of Science and Technology MISIS 
<http://rqc.us4.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=8108e48f6c1a81eeb480bf510&id=fad9faf759&e=310b188938> (Moscow, 
Leninskiy prospekt 4), lecture hall № Б-534 (5th floor), *on 15th of 
July at 10:00 a.m* by Alexey Ustinov 
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) and Superconducting Quantum 
Circuits group lead in RQC.


Superconducting quantum processors are circuits comprising Josephson 
junctions interconnected through inductors and capacitors. At 
temperatures below 0.1K, the elementary blocks of these circuits, 
superconducting qubits, behave as quantum mechanical "artificial atoms” 
exhibiting quantized states separated by energies of few micro-eV. 
Depending on the design parameters, these states are defined by either 
electronic charge or phase drop across Josephson junction. For a 
Josephson junction, the phase drop and the charge are quantum-mechanical 
conjugate variables. There exist several families of superconducting 
qubits including charge qubits, flux qubits, and their variations. Qubit 
quantum states can be prepared and manipulated by microwave pulses. In 
the lecture I will discuss the decoherence sources for superconducting 
qubits, address challenges to scale them up, and mention several 
state-of-the-art examples of quantum information processing.

*Please don't forget to take passport for entering to the University.*



If you have any questions, please e-mail to Ekaterina 
e.boltenkova на rqc.ru <mailto:e.boltenkova на rqc.ru>



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